Wall Lights And Floor Lamps Adopt A Smart Strategy


What strategy you adopt while putting wall lights and  floor lamps ?


This question has a great meaning behind and nothing is absurd, because a person who is not choosy in the choice of the wall lights and floor lamps can create a great deal of problems if chosen wrong. Calling it a strategy is not strange, as it is planned for long time. You are not going to change your interiors daily, so even changing wall lights and floor lamps is not possible.



Keeping in mind your mood and choice you first choose floor lighting. You have to see what kind of flooring and color combinations you have. Like if your flooring is of blue color then side’s border of white color with floor lights would look more attractive. In a big hotel, different color combinations can be used. Multi colored globe shaped lights are mind blowing and able to attract more customers towards your hotels. You can illumine your floors with a nice planning. On stages, you can even use some clothes or curtains or any decorative material which gives a nice look of falls emerging from the hills. Choosing a proper theme is necessity. You can choose different themes for different rooms, like you can choose a sky theme, in which sky blue wall and floor illumination to enhance the effect. Even you can get your wall painted in sky blue patches after that put some white lights to enhance the effect of heavenly bodies. Wall lights can also be used to make an impact on mind about any work of art which you intend to show off. Many contemporary and antique designs are offered in different ranges. Maroon or reddish flooring can give a wonderful look. You can even divide the whole hotel, restaurant or house in divergent parts to give a smooth and shiny scenario. Beautiful wall paintings with lights can also be effective to increase the beauty of the interiors.


Floor lights of led giving the look of swaying grassy surface can give a smart look to the hotel room as well as your living room. Your study can be illumined by table lamps and floor lighting and wall fixtures should also be of same theme or the color contrast should be matching. Fancy round lights which have metal base can illumine your walls in a nice way and provide contemporary look to the interiors of the place.


So when you are stepping towards the strategy of putting lights on wall and floors.